
Online training with Lynda

I recently wrapped up a trial at lynda.com, which is a great online learning resource.  So graet, I'm thinking of subscribing. They've got thousands of video tutorials, ranging from digital photography to Photoshop and Flash to Microsoft Office. If you subscribe to the premium edition, you get the course files to download to your own computer. This is very useful for learning programs like Photoshop - you can follow along step-by-step using the same files as the instructor.

Check out the course on Dreamweaver and CSS - each section is a Quicktime movie. Maybe it's my short attention span, but I find this to be a lot more useful than online books. At work we have a Safari Bookshelf account, and it's useful, but I end up using it more as a reference than a "sit down and learn this new thing" service.

Cost is $25 per month, $250 per year, or $375 for the premium version. I think that's worth it. The way I evaluate technical courses goes like this: does the course provide a really good overall picture of the software and techniques, and did I pick up at least 3-5 killer tips I would have missed on my own? Looking at all the titles on Lynda, I think it's a safe bet I'll get my money's worth. 

By the way, "Lynda" is a real person: Lynda Weinman, credited with authoring one of the industry's first books on Web design, Designing Web Graphics. 

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